Pet Lovers Golfers

the world is my home

Ikä 60 Kaupungista Ossana, Italy

Mies Hae A Naista

Koskien: Dog Lover European Pet Lovers

devono dirlo gli altri di sicuro giramondo i

Rekisteröidy ja Lähetä Viesti!

I play a lot, but a woman in my life who enjoyed the same would be longer a member

Rekisteröidy ja Lähetä Viesti!

Hi, fellow golfers! I try to play every weekend, and I would love to find a partner for my weekend rounds. I am AugieMichaels,and you can find me at oohay (backwards). Let's tee it up!

Rekisteröidy ja Lähetä Viesti!

Not sure if this site is real. I haven’t joined but maybe I will be surprised. My name is a great way to find me I golf once a week and that would be a great first date. I would love to talk to someone with my name at the gee.

Rekisteröidy ja Lähetä Viesti!

Jag är en aktiv person! Gillar att resa, vandra, se, upptäcka i lagom hastighet. Jag söker en man som tycker om att resa, gå på konsert (ibland klassiskt), röra på sig eller bara ta det lugnt och småprata. Och så är det ju trevligt med...

Rekisteröidy ja Lähetä Viesti!

Enthusiastically returned to the links. Really enjoy sports, but not a "fanatic". Former youth sports coach. No matter who you golf with, golf has just the right competition for all to enjoy. Always love to meet and talk with new people that share...

Rekisteröidy ja Lähetä Viesti!

Hi, I’m fun- loving, active guy who’d like companionship on and off the Course. Educated, professional. Love movies and dinner out etc.

Rekisteröidy ja Lähetä Viesti!