Smoker Golfers

Always workin but when im not, im tryn to work on myself or golf..

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Hard working very honest not afraid to try something once or three times

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Jag började med golf några år sedan och spelar väl hellre än bra 😊( det är sällskapet som är viktigast). Hemmabana i Katrineholm GK (landställe) men bor i Stockholm. Gillar storstadens puls lika mycket som att vara ute i naturen, promenera, leta...

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I love to play golf. A little competitive but not too serious. I’m honest and a very caring person.

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Looking for a female golf partner that enjoys the game and likes to play a lot.

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bästa tiden i mitt liv just nu. Livet leker . Men tyvärr så kan jag inte spela golf. Men jag önskar att du ska lära mig...

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Stable, Self-Sufficient, Trust Worthy, Caring, Romantic, Loyal to a Fault, Great sense of Humor, Love being Adventurous, Asking Questions, and Always Learning new things, Looking for someone who is Confident, Genuine, Ambitions, and Family Oriented...

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