Pop Golfers

Average build, non smoker, fair golfer though not consistent as I have not played much lately

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Hejsan är en tjej på 64 år.Har 2 hundar ..Jag jobbar lite med ***.Försöker ta mig ut på golfbanan då och då.Jag söker nån som spelar lite golf.

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I'm a young 65 YO Caucasian male, some would say I'm the "coolest" 60+ YO guy they've ever met. I'm a huge fan of playing golf, if you play or would like to play, bonus points. I really like traveling to the ocean around California, some of my...

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I have a heart of dreamer, hoping I will be a decent golfer one day. LOL Are you my dream come true? Let's have some laughs and be a gentlemen....

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I am an active person looking for a partner in both life and golf

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Älskar att vara ute i friska luften på golfbanan, eller att vandra/springa i skog och fjäll

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Recently widowed and don’t like being alone! Looking for a healthy athletic type.lady to share my life. Enjoy golf, swimming, dancing and music. I cook and I’m good at household chores. Like conversation and listening and intimate time. I’m not...

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